Largest Earthquake in Victoria’s history

The magnitude MLv5.8 (Mw5.9) earthquake on 22 September 2021 at 9:15am local time was the largest to occur in the state of Victoria since record-keeping began around 200 years ago. The epicentre of the earthquake was located 127km from our office in Melbourne, and was recorded on an old digital…

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Locate an Earthquake with Waves

We’ve updated Waves to make refining your earthquake location even easier with a new depth slider and improved mapping tools. There’s even a new sample earthquake from our home town of Melbourne for you to test your skills as an earthquake data analyst!

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Customisable Linux SeedLink server


The GeckoLink accessory enables direct-from-site SeedLink streaming using the power of a Raspberry Pi, and provides a web interface for remote data visualisation, remote configuration, and data download. 

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Analogue Earthquake & Vibration Sensors

Analogue Earthquake & Vibration Sensors from seismology research centre australia

We have been using different types of sensors in our Gecko recorders to make all-in-one seismographs and accelerographs, but sometimes it is more convenient to have a sensor located in a different location to your recorder.

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Choosing an Earthquake Sensor

Choosing an earthquake sensor is not straightforward. There are dozens of accelerometers and velocity sensors on the market, and picking one that meets your needs can be confusing. We have used many different sensors over the decades, so let us help you understand them a little better. 

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